Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hot guys on ABC.

We all have our TV crushes. according to this report:
 these are the hottest men on TV today.

 Take this quiz at the General Hospital site and see which dude you should, could or would be dating...   GO HERE.

 And then you can do the whole Old Spice commercial thing..

look at the ABC guys and then look across the couch at your significant other.. and then click on the next picture.

 I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for ABC Daytime  and will receive a tote bag or other General Hospital branded items to facilitate my review.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A mother's Guilt x8, or wait is that x14?

Some people- men- might say being a mother is a blessing. That it is a joy.
On some occasions I might agree.
But most times, motherhood is one big guilt trip.
You feel guilty for not being there, for being there and not doing more, for not being able to understand a cry, a moan, a whine. For embarrassing them, for feeding them too much or too little, for not providing for them, for providing too much for them. For good advice you gave and they didn't take, for bad advice you gave that they took, for wearing elastic waist paints-- once. For being cool. For not being cool. For asking about- that thing. For not asking about- that thing. For giving them your genes, or not. For continuing to mother them when they are so obviously too old for that.
sigh. Is it any wonder I stopped at two?
As if I didn't have enough guilt already. I grew up Catholic.

 you crazy.

   watch her on

 and tell me what you think.

I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for ABC Daytime and will receive a totebag or other The View  branded items to facilitate my review.

Monday, February 22, 2010

We used to want our MTV, not we want our DVR.

There's something about watching a TV program when YOU want to watch- not when the programming channel chooses to air it.
 I feel a little bit superior each time I fast forward through a commercial, pause a live shot and repeat the crash of the Olympic bobsledder in slow motion three, four, five times.
  So, when I actually choose to sit still for a few moments, remote in one hand, something else in the other... I make full use of the DVR- or in our case, Charter's dual DVR  HD unit MOXIE BOX.

That is unless, some idiot pulling a house on wheels crashes and takes out your whole neighborhood's feed.
 AHH. yeah.
 But, that's not today.

Today, I can watch on my TV- any one of them, and also follow along with ABC via computer, or blackberry link.
I might choose to watch TV while waiting in line at the grocery store- maybe even tuning in to a rerun of Tiger Woods' public statement, or to see the ladies of The View tackle some politics this morning, with this Senator.  Not that I'm into politics or anything.

But, know I like the line up later in the week, when we get to see the antics of the cast of THE JERSEY SHORE

Which I admit to seeing once- and a good episode it was- as we made use of the DVR once again to repeat and slo- mo the punch/ backhand one of the classy broads gave one of the ass-holey guys. SIGH.
Whatever has become of television? Tune in tomorrow- or later today and find out.

I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for ABC Daytime and will receive a totebag or other The View  branded items to facilitate my review.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Inside scoop from The View, or a re-cap... depending on when you read this.

Yesterday, Barbara Walters announced on The View that she was "retiring" --not from the show but from her Oscar Night interview special. 
After twenty-nine years she says she feels like "she's been there, done that." And that's enough.
How honest is that? Wow. 

Think of how many people, as Barbara pointed out, have said they were retiring, but didn't. It reminds me of those stores in New York City with the GOING OUT OF BUSINESS  banners. Some of them have been going out of business for sixteen years. Apparently, the fine for lying about your business status is cheaper than decent honest advertising. Then again, with the number of visitors to NYC, no one even questions the sale, just takes the great deal home and brags about how they scored- just in time.

And that's only part of it. Sometimes the retired athlete comes back because he's been taunted and has something to prove, the retired singer needs more cash, the retired actor finally lost the weight, or is no longer needed at home as Mommy.

Maybe Barbara's moving over to let someone else take the reins at the Oscar interviews, to see if some other blonde can make grown men cry. 

I've always heard that like the buy low, sell high mentality of stocks, you want to get out of business while you're on top. You want to retire when you still have plans, while you can still enjoy all the things not going to work means. Leisure time, travel, hobbies, family...when you are young enough- and still wise enough to have a life. 

Why store up tomorrows? Take Barbara's advice. Retire and stay retired. And know when enough is enough.
Don't be like my grandfather who worked in banking his whole life and spent weekends planning for all the things he would do after retirement--only to die, plans intact, merely months after receiving the gold watch.

Watch today's episode of THE VIEW to hear about the new mobile phone problem for your teen... or your Tiger Woods-like husband: SEXTING. What's it all about? Tune in and find out.

 I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for ABC Daytime and will receive a totebag or other The View  branded items to facilitate my review.

Sweet Soap Opera Memories of Villians and Sex Fiends


Wow. Has it really been that long? I remember watching in 1978... It's hard to believe that I was there way back when...

 when Luke raped Laura, when their wedding got more viewers than the nuptials of a certain Prince of Wales, when Greeks went psycho with Liz Taylor on board, when amateur golfers/singers TV-dated real life wives, when pregnant women fell down stairs, when haters became lovers after being trapped together, when marriages were for convenience, when the bad guy died, when the good guy died, when a long lost twin returns, when someone got addicted to pain killers, when someone went crazy and was sent away, when a baby was born, when a plan was hatched, when someone said, "it wasn't me." and  when something irretrievably lost was once again found.

 Ahhh. the Soap Opera.
 It's alive and well.

  watch current episodes online, wherever, whenever ABC DAYTIME

And if you're still watching, if you still haven't had all 7 plots hammered into your skull....
 here's some spoilers for the week.

 because who doesn't like a secret or two?

Wednesday, February 17:
  • Sonny has overwhelming legal woes.
  • Lucky agrees to help Elizabeth.
  • Luke has an uneasy feeling of deja vu.
Thursday, February 18:
  • Helena mocks Elizabeth.
  • Jason has another warning for Sonny.
  • Carly takes over.
Friday, February 19:
  • Johnny starts on his revenge against Sonny.
  • Sonny and Olivia have a major confrontation.
  • Nikolas declares his love for Elizabeth. 


I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for ABC Daytime  and will receive a tote bag or other General Hospital branded items to facilitate my review.

General Hospital Secrets

Sheeeeee's BAAACK.

That's right, soon to make a reappearance- another bad girl you love to hate. Or hate to love.

I'm always womdering how the soap stars stay so young... so current?
 I mean, seriously, has  Jackie Zeman aged a bit?

 Want some more oldies but goodies to come back?
 check it out:

Waltons vet Michael Learned to appear in story arc on General Hospital
Newcomer cast as Maya Ward, Edward's great granddaughter
Condition upgraded: Scott Reeves now on contract
Lindze Letherman (ex-Georgie) returning to GH

Don't forget to enter the sweepstakes for your chance at a walk on role, and don't worry, if the DVR messes up- you can watch your episodes online.

 I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for ABC Daytime  and will receive a tote bag or other General Hospital branded items to facilitate my review.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

In that way I have of making it all be about me, yet still referencing TV.

Okay, so it's another day of talking about TV.  specifically:

I really like the behind the scenes videos shot informally, like this one of SADIE, the winner of the Westminster Dog Show.
You have to get past Whooopie talking about leaky bladder ( didn't Rosie talk about that problem too? Well there's 2 out of 6, so maybe we're safe. Ah-choo!) but the part where the dog gets washed with human shampoo is cute- and of course, in typical Linda fashion, it all leads to a life story.

 when I was in high school, my best friend invited me join her at a dog show. Until that time, I had no idea that her family was so into dogs. her mother was in fact a breeder of Champion Weimaraners and German Short Haired Pointers. My friend was, as she humbly admitted, one of the top junior handlers in the nation, and owned a Champion 15 inch Beagle- a dog I'd never seen.
In her house, dogs weren't pets to be fed table scraps. They were kept in the kennels, fed a special blend of food, groomed with precision and crated nightly. they had long names and the pedigrees to match.

I thought going to the show would be fun. I had no idea of the long hours, stress and amount of work that happened when you were owner-handlers. I just tried to stay out of the way as dogs were blown dried, had their asses wiped and were run from ring to ring, the handlers rubberbanding a different number on their arm for each dog, each event.

I saw the things you see at all of these events- celebrities with fancy dogs. Owners who looked just like human versions of their dogs, and silly things for sale that no 4 legged creature should ever need, but most certainly would be scooped up by chubby woman who called their dog their fur-baby.

I saw a few things, that i never thought about happening inthe ring- the dog who squatted and peed (like Sadie- a BIG no-no), my friend inserting a matchstick in a dog's rectum - a dog known to take nervous shits. He will be puckered his butt around that matchstick and won't - you know- she told me.
 Uh. yeah.
 And something, I never understood even after al those years of watching the AKC shows on TV. The handler puts the dog's treat ( usually dried liver) in their own mouth to hold it... EWWWW.
 So, all that said and done, it was fun and I was hooked. I didn't have thousands of dollars to buy a show dog, but I did get to play with some adorable pure bred puppies and kiss a very cute boy, who it looks like might have continued in the dog world, becoming a very popular professional Handler. or it might be another guy with the same name... I'll let you know on that one.

 Meanwhile.. keeping with the doggie theme
 watch THE VIEW tomorrow

Friday, February 19, 2010 as

Broadway star Bernadette Peters comes by with her dog, and Sherri goes behind-the-scenes at the Westminster Dog Show. Learn more.

And don't forget to fill out your survey and enter the very cool sweepstakes to win a trip to NYC and witness a taping of The View! 

I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for ABC Daytime and will receive a totebag or other The View  branded items to facilitate my review.