Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A faceless man gets a face.

I always thought the whole Invisible Man thing was cool. He could go anywhere, pants anyone... right?
And then, the writer in me got to thinking when I read about the woman who'd been mauled by a dog who received the first full face transplant in 2005, in France.

 She appears fine today.

Miraculous, right? ( Did I mention her Labrador Retriever ate her nose, lips, chin and cheeks when she was passed out from a sleeping pill overdose?)

Now this guy got a new face- right here in the USA.

And I'm thinking about all those movies where they peeled off a face and revealed another- stuff I thought was ok, yeah, right. Unbelievable. Um. Not so much.

So whose face would you wear today?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What do you do on rainy days? Be honest.


We all have a glorified way of recounting our days... and the there's the truth.

We all know that man who says, he got up early and went for a run. What he left out is that he came home, ate three bowls of sugary cereal then cried in the shower because he has no one to run with, no one to come home to cuddle with on the couch.

The rain, may make some people contemplative,  like poets and writers-- we hope-- while others transform into angry driving fools, speeding down slippery streets late for nothing special.

It was too early to call and ask friends, so I looked at Yahoo answers, as if the mighty Internet might once again enlighten me.
 Here is what those folks said.

 Looks like there's  still at least a few honest people in the world.
(Sharon, Mr. Green Jeans and Fabian)

 And because it's a rainy Tuesday in my part of the world, and any one of you might feel like crying,
I'll give you this: